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Dead animal removal services







If there is a dead animal on your property, and you need help to deal with it, Ratboy Slim Pest Control is here for you. 

We are well aware that for many people there is nothing worse than handling an animal carcass. They are very difficult to carry safely, and dispose of responsibly. With our dead animal removal services, you can be sure the animal will be taken care of, and that all mess and odour is also removed effectively.


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If you need dead animal removal in Brighton,

Give our team a call today

07881 294647





A discreet and professional service

Whatever problem you have encountered, our responsible team is here to help. Whether you are dealing with a road incident or an unfortunate wild animal that has expired on your property, we can come to your premises quickly and discreetly, and will remove the carcass and dispose of it in the correct manner. From cats and foxes to rodents and birds, our humane and ethical team are always on hand to help.

How our dead animal removal service works

The decomposing body of an animal can be a tremendous health hazard, as well as quickly filling a property with a foul odour. It can propagate flies, fleas and all kinds of secondary infestations, and also looks unappealing to any potential visitors or clients.

Don't hesitate to call us right away if you discover an animal cadaver: 07881 294647

We will then come to your premises quickly and without fuss, and remove it using gloves and masks to minimise risk. 







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Act against your pest intrusion:

Call Ratboy Slim Pest Control today for pest control in Brighton on

07881 294647

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